
Monday, December 22, 2008

isn't it lovely?!

Top Ten Reasons Why Life Is Good:
1. Finals are over
2. Finals are OVER!
3. I'm off work for two weeks
4. I'm going home (to Arcata) for Christmas
5. I turn 24 on Wednesday
6. The pressure's off
7. I get to see my best friend in two days
8. It's finally Winter weather out!!
9. I have THE MOST amazing team of helpers for the Stirring Kids
10. I got a french press for my Birthday... hellooo amazing coffee!!

So check out the Nativity scene the 1st-3rd grade class from the AM Stirring service made. Ava and Elizabeth are showing off their hard work. Great idea Erica. Seriously, so creative! I'm so lucky to get to work with such smart and inventive group of kids (and adults too!!). It's funny because they aren't even my kids, but I love bragging on them.


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Juliette said...

Happy Birthday girl! I hope you have an amazing birthday and a blessed Christmas! I so appreciate your cheerfulness and beautiful smiling face everytime I pick Ruby up from the nursery. It really helps to have such positive people like you and the rest of the helpers there when I have to leave my Ruby behind for a few hours. You're the best!

Jenna said...

oh oh! pleeeeease send me flowers through naval langa!

that would make me pee my pants.

Jenna said...

p.s.... (and the reason i clicked on "post comment" in the first place... BEFORE getting incredibly distracted by the first comment up there...which, as you can see i'm still not really over yet...SO funny), so it's your freakin GOLDEN birthday this year! i didn't even realize that! aw, emily...i hope you have the best time with your mom at your home and with your best friend!!! i'm sorry i had to miss out on your party :(. but have a wonderful birthday, and a good time celebrating Jesus' too!

love you :)

Sarah said...

ahh I miss you friend...

it is your golden birthday!!!(I read jenna's comment) golden was my 24th too! and I spent it in 3 countries all in one day...i say humboldt is way better..really:) because your mama and bff are there:)

well happy bday to you soon:)

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