I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with "The Hill" (or at least that's what I like to call it). It's th
e part of the Sacramento River Trail that leads up to Hilltop. It's a GNARLY hill. Half a mile of steep uphill, but a gorgeous view at the top. Well, for the last two days I am proud to say that I've included "The Hill" in my exercise routine.
I run:
- from my house to the hill (.7 miles)
- down the hill (.5 miles)
- up the hill (.5 miles)
- back to my house (.7 miles)
- That's a total of 2.4 miles.
I'm not going to sugar coat this for you guys, it's a pretty grueling workout for me. I know there are some of you out there who are laughing at me because you could run this twice, and not break a sweat. Not me. By the end of my lovely workout, I am drenched in sweat, and feeling quite proud of myself! I ran the entire hill for the past two days. This is kind of a big deal for me because normally I walk the hill... but lately I've been pretty inspired to turn up my workout.... although I'm legs are on FIRE by the time I'm at the top, I feel accomplished and powerful. Maybe next week I'll run "The Hill" twice... we'll see. If anybody ever wants to join me on "the hill" I would love the company. Running is always better with a partner.