
Tuesday, February 22, 2011


As I was reading my Real Simple magazine, I stumbled across a funny little article that made me laugh. It was in the "Life Lessons" section. It was titled "5 things you can learn from your pet". I was intrigued, so I began to read... item number 1 made me so happy, I had to share: "Celebrate EVERYTHING." Anne-Marie O'Neill (the woman who wrote the article) goes on to say that dogs celebrate everything. Every moment she walks in her door, even if she's only been gone a short minute, her dogs celebrate her. Lathering her in kisses and attention and love. They get excited about every visitor, every door-bell, every returning entry. Her dogs celebrate everything.
I love this idea
I love the idea of celebrating everything.
Every person I meet
Every victory in my life
Every moment I'm alive
Every holiday
Every birthday
Every new friend
Every old friend
Every phone call
Every interaction
I want to be known for celebration.
For rejoicing with those who rejoice.
For making those around me feel celebrated. Daily.
I want to learn from Anne-Marie's dogs, and celebrate EVERYTHING.


Shannon Lundberg said...

Even though I'm not a dog lover, and really sometimes they really bug me with how much they seem to want me to love them, I love the idea. Celebrate everything:)

Annie said...

I love Real Simple, I just cut a quote out and hung it on my door, "Happiness is not a station to arrive at, but a manner of traveling." You always get little gems out of that magazine:)

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