
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My New Challenge.

It's not Thursday, but I'm feeling the need to post a few things I'm thankful for. I've found that since November and my Gratitude Challenge, only posting once a week on the things I'm thankful for has left me feeling a little empty. I miss the daily goal of finding one, or more thing that I'm truly thankful for. It was a discipline that I'd begun to really love. Having that posture, the posture of thankfulness, began to do something in me. It began to really change me. It changed the way I viewed my day. The way I viewed my conversations, the way I viewed my morning cup of coffee. It really began to shift my focus. And suddenly, I see my focus switching back. SO, I think I'm going to start another challenge. I'm calling it the Gratitude Challenge II. I'm going to blog another 30 days of thanks. And, to go along with my thanks, I'm going to blog one thing I learned. Every day. For 30 days. Who's with me? Maybe you need to do a 30 days of organizing challenge, or a 30 days of silence (from some kind of noise in your life) challenge, or a 30 days of creativity challenge instead.
I need to do this Gratitude Challenge. It's where I need my focus to be. It's the lens I need to view my days through.

Today, on day 1 of my challenge, I am thankful for new hair-dos. I got my hair cut and colored today. There's just something about a cut and color that changes a girl's life. I always walk out of the salon thinking "MAN, I feel good!" I may have walked in with a bad attitude and a poor perspective on my day, but I sure left on top of the world, and looking good to boot! Here's a shot of my new do...

And, the one thing that I learned today is that tomatoes are a fruit. I think I already knew that. But I guess I RE-learned it. Wonderful!


stuckinmypedals said...

Read Donald Miller's post on gratitude when you have a sec.

Anna said...

Well if you're going to do a 30 days of organizing head over to my blog!

I think it's great you are doing this again, can't wait to read them. :)

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